Sean making repairs
2021 Recap Road Repairs ... August/September 2021
Latest road repairs.
Scheduled work by Geary Hund and Sean Molina ... starting August 1, 2021
In preparation for road repairs, MMNA purchased 10 loads of 18 yards of clean, compactable dirt from Nino Figaro (@ficaragrading). The dirt will be free of unnatural debris such as asphalt. The following locations will have dirt deposited: 1 load at Turtle; 5 loads at Uphill and Turtle/Rocking Chair, and 4 loads at Old Vine Road and Single Tree.
Clean out above rolling dip
Single Tree
Remove sand in the undivided road section above B. Gilman's home.
Repair ruts above intersection with Old Vine near B. Gilman's home unless already completed.
Repair rolling dips below Coyote on the north side of the road and remove sand above them.
Remove sand just above where divided section of road begin
Old Vine Road
Fill in rutted area in center of road just above the intersection with Rocking Chair
Add one bucket of dirt to the rolling dip just above Rocking Chair
Rocking Chair Road
Fill in ruts near the intersection with Old Vine and repair rolling dips.
Wagon Wheel Road
Fill in the rutted area at the top of the road just below its intersection with Old Vine Road
Remove the short stretch of deep sand near the midpoint of road.
Doggie Trail
Place one load of dirt at top of drainage that leaves the road at the east end of Linda Doyle's property. Make sure you include the area around the water district's standpipe. Coordinate with Linda and Geary.
Repair rolling dips including cleaning out and removing sand behind them. Place medium sized rock in drainages on each side of the rolling dip just above Rocking Chair and then backfill over them - do this after Geary can meet with you in the field first and see rock.
Partially fill in the deep rut in the road in the "party god" area - bring it up about 6-8 inches. Place low rolling dips, about six inches above new grade, at 50 yard intervals along the filled area - make sure the edges are softly tapered to avoid jarring vehicles
Provide a separate bid for removing 4-6 truckloads of sand from Uphill and Single Tree near their intersection.
Desert Shadows
Above major wash crossing below B. Furst's, remove sand accumulated above. Rebuild rolling dip.
Fill in several sets of ruts in upper part of the road below the intersection with Desert Shadows.
Use a load or two to even out the lower part of Turtle where rutted in the vicinity of the adobe home.
Load on right side of road going downhill from Turtle not far below intersection
Load at each of three wash crossings.