Welcome Packet... December 2024
Hello Neighbors,
As we mentioned at the Potluck Event, a neighborhood Welcome Packet has been created. It's been a labor of love for several of our Board Members and volunteers, especially Daniel Brenner, who served as project lead, along with the help of Diane Kuntz, Geary Hund, Dan Stork and Linda Doyle.
I am pleased to share this vital information about life in our desert environment, along with contact information for numerous governmental and service organizations that are very handy to have. We hope you enjoy it!
Terry Stone ... MMNA President
Click here for a PDF link to the Welcome Packet
Click here for a PDF link in the Welcome Packet - Support page
Click here for a PDF link in the Welcome Packet - Welcome to the Neighborhood
Click here for a PDF link in the Welcome Packet - More About Monument Manor Neighborhood
Welcome to Monument Manor ...
The Monument Manor Neighborhood Association encourages the participation and support of all owners and residents in our neighborhood and strives to maintain a high standard of maintenance and function of our roads and other amenities.
To increase your enjoyment of living in our community the Association has been active in preserving the beauty of our high desert while improving the safety of the neighborhood for you.
This neighborhood community has been created entirely through the efforts of our Association (formed in 1962) completely without federal, state or county assistance.
All roads in Monument Manor are private roads. The Association maintains roads, all signage in the neighborhood, and security mailboxes at the intersection of Uphill Rd. and Quail Springs Rd.
Membership: The Monument Manor Neighborhood Association is a volunteer organization (https://www.monumentmanorneighborhood.com/membership). Contributions are welcome by all to help maintain the roads and other accomplishments listed above. Membership is for property owners and residents. Since we don’t know the names and addresses of everyone in our area – we encourage you to please share this newsletter with your neighbors. Please update us with any changes in your phone numbers, addresses, or property ownership. You can donate online or mail a check. Click here to complete the online Membership Form OR download the PDF Membership Form.
Roads: Since the County assumes no responsibility for our private neighborhood roads, the Association assumes road maintenance, which is particularly critical after storms, which even after one event can make portions of the road impassable due to erosion and deep deposits of sand. Our largest expenses are for road repair; this includes dirt, tractor work, and other contracted projects.
Signs: The Association also installs and maintains speed limit signs. Speeds in excess of the posted speed limits raise clouds of dust and accelerate the deterioration of the roads. Please respect those limits. Other signs, including the Private Road signs at the road intersections with Quail Springs Rd. and the No Park Access signs help to prevent the increased traffic we’ve seen from sightseers and visitors to the National Park trying to cut the line. These signs inform visitors that our roads are private, and serve property owners and their guests, and are not a conduit to the National Park.
Security Mailboxes at the intersection of Uphill Rd. and Quail Springs Rd.: In the 1970s, the Association purchased four banks of security locking mailboxes for property owners. These security mailboxes were replaced by the MMNA after the original ones were broken into in December 2013. The Association leases a box (when available) for a one-time fee of $100.00, and this fee is non-refundable. If you use one of the MMNA mailboxes and sell your home, the keys MUST be returned to MMNA. Locks and keys will be changed for use by the next person on the mailbox waiting list. Contact the Association Secretary, Linda Doyle at Lsdoyle@earthlink.net. Click here to read about the History of MMNA Mailboxes.
General Information: The following items cover a few subjects in brief that we feel are important enough to mention.
1) There is an implicit understanding of 60+ years’ standing — made explicit via involvement of County Code Enforcement in recent years in the neighborhood — that no one can park on the roads or sides of the roads.
2) One of the attractions of living in Monument Manor is the promise of night skies unimpaired by artificial lighting. Recognizing that value, the County of San Bernardino passed an ordinance requiring shielding of virtually all sources of light, to prevent them from “trespassing” into the visual field of properties in the vicinity. Accordingly, the Board of the Monument Manor Neighborhood Association respectfully requests that ALL residents either shield their outdoor lights or - better yet - do not leave them on for any periods during which you are not actively using them. If you are concerned about the security of your property, the International Dark Sky Association counsels that leaving outside lights on may be counter-productive to that aim. (Indeed, we have observed that, in Joshua Tree, an outdoor or indoor light left on through the night is a reliable indicator that no one is at home.) Of special note, if you are the owner or operator of a vacation home rental property (Airbnb or otherwise), please advise your guests to turn off outside lights after sunset.
3) Off-road vehicles: Some people are under the assumption that dirt roads are “off road”. To the contrary, San Bernardino County does not allow for off-road vehicles on the dirt roads in our area. Riding a non-street legal vehicle on our roads or cross country is illegal (see attached San Bernardino County Off Highway Vehicle Ordinance and OHV Ordinance) unless the rider has the permission of each property owner whose property they cross and they have the permit in their possession (our dirt roads, although open to resident’s vehicles and commercial vehicles having business in the neighborhood) are owned by the property owners. As a neighborhood, we have never promoted, supported, or given permission for off-road vehicles to use the roads. Someone riding on their own individual property is also illegal if it disturbs the peace of neighbors. Per the County ordinance, no person can operate an off-highway vehicle on private property, even their own, if it disturbs the peace of the neighborhood or another person in any of those ways. In addition, off-road vehicles can cause property and vegetation resource damage. For off-roading information and opportunities, contact the Bureau of Land Management 909-252-6000, or contact local California Highway Patrol.
4) Leash law: The County ordinances require that all dogs be licensed and on a leash.
5) County firearms ordinance: County ordinance states it is a violation of the law to discharge rifles and handguns in this area of San Bernardino County. It also provides that shotguns may not be discharged nearer than 150 yards (450 feet) from any structure.
Welcome to Monument Manor! We’re glad you are here!
Terry Stone, President Daniel Brenner - Vice-President
Unfilled, Treasurer Linda Doyle, Secretary
Geary Hund, Roads' Chair Bill Gilman, At-Large Board Member
Bobby Furst, At-Large Board Member Will Harner, At-Large Board Member