Strategic Plan ...
The Monument Manor Neighborhood Association is in the process of identifying neighborhood issues and developing goals and work plans for the coming 3-5 years. As you know, much has changed in the past five years or so. We want to make sure, to the extent we can, that we are doing our best to provide you with information about current issues and to serve your needs.
Strategic Plan
The purpose of the strategic plan is to guide the board in the conduct of its business on behalf of the residents of the neighborhood. It is intended to help ensure the maintenance of the quality of life in the neighborhood with a focus on roads. It is intended to reflect the wishes of the community, while honoring and maintaining the natural values that make Monument Manor such a unique and special place.
The board of directors will review the plan every three years and update it as needed.
To Maintain and Improve Neighborhood Roads, Quality of Life, and Community
Monument Manor is a safe neighborhood with well-maintained roads, dark night skies, beautiful desert and neighborhood views, native vegetation, and a place where wildlife can co-exist with human residents. It is a place where residents and property owners collaborate, communicate, cooperate, and socialize. It has a true sense of community.
Goals and Objectives
1. A high level of membership and participation in the MMNA is achieved.
Develop new strategies to increase membership and funding and continue to implement existing ones.
2. MMNA roads and other facilities are maintained in good condition and necessary repairs and improvements are completed.
Make improvements to manage drainage to reduce erosion and storm damage costs.
Manage and remove sand build-ups.
Make storm damage repairs in a timely manner after storms.
Erect, and maintain needed signage.
Be able to locate and assess the condition of signs and road improvements.
Provide, maintain, and replace mailbox structures as needed.
3. The residents of Monument Manor have a knowledge and appreciation of the attributes of our area that increase our quality of life and they actively participate in their maintenance and protection.
“Inform MMNA members and residents of issues that could affect the quality of life in the neighborhood/community, including alerts to public meetings related to governmental actions that address matters such as light trespass, noise, short-term rentals, protection of desert vegetation, and etc.”
Provide information to members and residents about property management, such as how the use of rodenticides can impact wildlife; the impact of non-native plants on the land and how to identify and control them; the use of fencing and other landscaping techniques which preserve desert views, vegetation, and wildlife; and about relevant local ordinances, e.g., light trespass, sound, and off-highway vehicle use.
4. A sense of community is fostered through social interaction.
Hold annual neighborhood social events, e.g., annual potluck, holiday party.
Hold work parties to repair the roads and potentially for other projects such as collecting seeds and/or planting native plants.
Invite specialists to provide presentations on issues of concern and benefit to the community – e.g., someone to talk about the use and benefits of native plants in landscaping.
Provide updated and engaging information on the website.
5. MMNA is well-managed organization with an effective board and engaged membership.
Recruit board members with a wide range of talents matched to the needs of the organization and which provide for succession.
Develop processes for efficient operations of the organization.
Develop additional processes to manage files so that they are well organized, easily retrievable, and accessible.
Establish committees as needed that operate efficiently and effectively with a clear purpose.
Click here for a PDF copy of the Strategic Plan.
2022 Neighborhood Survey
On August 22, 2022 we emailed out a Neighborhood Survey. Click on this link to see the results.
Question 1: Should the neighborhood association inform property owners and residents about issues which could affect their quality of ... dark night skies, and regular short-term rentals? Click here for responses.
Question 2: Should the neighborhood association only focus on neighborhood infrastructure such as road repair and providing mail boxes or should it also ... dark night skies, and traffic on Quail Springs Road? Click here for responses.
Question 3: When the neighborhood association sends out informational emails such as the one about the impacts of rodent baits on wildlife or about non-native plans, do you find it helpful? Click here for responses.
Question 4: Check all the neighborhood issues that are important to you: Click here for responses.
Question 5: Should the neighborhood association take positions on issues affecting the neighborhood or limit its involvement to informing residents about them so they can express their opinion? Click here for responses.
Question 6: Are you satisfied with the level of maintenance of neighborhood roads? Click here for responses.
Question 7: Would you consider attending a work party to maintain neighborhood roads and signs? Click here for responses.
Question 8: Is having periodic neighborhood socials such as potlucks and holiday parties of interest to you? Click here for responses.
Question 9: Would you potentially be interested in volunteering to help the neighborhood association? Click here for responses.
Question 10: Would you potentially be interested in joining the board of directors of the neighborhood association? Click here for responses.
Question 11: Are there skills and interests you have that you'd like to use to contribute to the neighborhood association? Click here for responses.
Question 12: If you're currently unsatisfied with the maintenance of neighborhood roads, please describe the types of improvements/maintenance you'd like to see and if you're comfortable, share which road(s) are of concern to you. Click here for responses.