COVID-19 ... April 2020
The Monument Manor Neighborhood Association has received community information concerning the COVID-19 pandemic through Geary Hund, one of our Board members. We are passing it along as a service to our neighbors and fellow property owners.
This link contains general information relating to COVID-19 in San Bernardino County. http://wp.sbcounty.gov/dph/coronavirus/>
This link COVID-19 PC Surveillance Dashboard shows statistics about the virus in San Bernardino County. The Locations tab shows cases by municipality.
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Press small circle with four arrows on top right corner of your device screen for an expanded view
County Supervisor Dawn Rowe, the Hi-Desert Medical Center (HDMC) CEO, and the Morongo Basin Healthcare District (MBHD) CEO have issued notices. Here are highlights (underlines are MMNA’s):
From Supervisor Rowe COVID-19 Open Letter.pdf
HDMC CEO Karen Faulls HDMC Op-Ed 3.27.20.pdf
MBHD CEO Jackie Combs MBHD Letter COVID-19 3-27-2020.pdf