Photo courtesy of CSA 20 - Joshua Tree Recreation and Parks District
Public Comment Period: March 16 - June 14.
The BLM has released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the West Mojave Transportation Management Plan to allow off-road vehicles adjacent to Monument Manor in Section 5, off Onaga Trail and north of Doggie Trail, and in Section 18 across from Lobo Pass.
The BLM has determined that these and other routes in the plan could result in residual environmental impacts including, but not limited to: noise, light, air quality, biological, cultural and recreational impacts.
The public comment period is March 16 - June 14. Comments may be submitted electronically to: BLM_CA_WEMO_Project@BLM.gov, with subject heading of: WMRNP Plan Amendment, or sent by snail mail to California Desert District, Attn: WMRNP Plan Amendment, 22835 Calle San Juan de Los Lagos, Moreno Valley, CA 92553. The BLM is encouraging submission of comments electronically.
A community meeting was held by BLM on April 25 at the Joshua Tree Community Center. No public comments were allowed.
The Draft EIS, interactive maps, and hard copy maps can be found at: https://BLM.gov/programs/planning-and-nepa/plans-development/california/west-mojave-plan-route-network. Comments on specific off-road vehicle routes can be made by opening the interactive map, zooming into a location, clicking on the route, and completing the fillable form that pops up.